Nicholals Okoye from the desk of the Founder


I am going to dive deep into the realm of Nation building as this is what is required for Nigeria. Whereas I write about the role of the individual because we must have strong, committed and intelligent individuals who will make up our communities, and the communities make up the State, whereas the states and regions make up the Nation. However once we have enough people that are committed to building a better society for Nigeria what next? I have seen many State Governors and even Federal Ministers dabbling about the place without a clear direction or understanding of their role in Nation building. In fact if you ask half of our Political Leaders today to define Nation Building, you would be surprised that they would not be able to give you an educated intelligent answer. In this respect we have decided to take the bull by the horn and provide our youths and leaders alike with the education they need for designing a National Development Strategy that works. A strategy that guarantee jobs are created, security is assured, standards of living are rising and our Nation is respected.


I have therefore broken down the drivers of National Development into nine drivers. The idea is that any local government Chairman, State Governor, Federal Minister, Presidential Candidate or young aspiring Leader can use this material as a check list and a study guide in an effort to uplift the lives of the Nigerian People wherever they may live in any part of this great nation of Nigeria.

About the Nine Pillars

The drivers of National Development in which I have put together for scholars to study and debate, is designed on the understanding that all nine drivers are required for a group of political leaders within a political party or established within an Administration, to build their activity, spending and focus around these drivers, which in turn will guarantee them the results. I often wonder why Political Leaders are so corrupt in Nigeria and Africa, it’s a catch 22, and they want to hold onto power so they steal and steal and steal. And then they deploy the stolen wealth towards the next election and spend and spend and spend trying to buy votes, and intimidate the electorate into returning them to power. When their two terms are up, they seek out other political leadership positions so they can remain relevant, why? Well because once they are out of power they suddenly realize that the money doesn’t satisfy, it’s the power they really wanted, and it’s the power they really love. And in the true sense of the word, money into on itself cannot buy the power they crave, that comes only with a Government title. So they unleash the war chest they have kept in Switzerland, and the circle starts all over again.


My idea for the political Leaders is different. If only they will listen, and if you know of any please refer them to this article. Why don’t they study carefully my NINE DRIVERS OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, and implement them as best they can. Guess what, if they do, they are guaranteed to receive the praise and worship of the Nigerian people, and they will have people that are ready to die for them and they will literally live forever. As people will be talking about them for hundreds of years into the future. And as for the power they crave, it will never leave them while they are alive, people will continue to recommend them for future appointments, people will consult them on every national or state issue before major decisions are made, children will structure songs and sing about them, Cities will erect monuments in their honor, the list is endless. There is no way this outcome can compare to dying with hundreds of millions in a Swiss bank account, which will never even o to your dependents as you were so secretive when you set up the account that when you die, the bank takes it all as you have no next of kin in the ban’s records. What a shame for a great country like Nigeria to be saddled with such low and small minded political leaders.


For those that will join me on this journey of National rebirth, of Nation Building and of developing a NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY that works for local Governments, State Governments and the Federal Government I have listed out “NICHOLAS OKOYE’S NINE PILLARS OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT” and in the coming weeks and months I will go into deep discussion of each driver in order to provide for our leaders a frame work for Leadership and Development that is built on Strategy, Innovation, Ideas and Creativity.

Pillar 1; Government Policy

Pillar 2; Access to Capital

Pillar 3; Systems, Structure and Infrastructure

Pillar 4; Talent and Skills

Pillar 5; Markets

Pillar 6; Energy

Pillar 7; Strategy

Pillar 8; Action

Pillar 9; Communication



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