Nicholals Okoye from the desk of the Founder

I love this job, I get to motivate young people and I get invitations to speak at young empowerment events from time to time, and I am currently working on the biggest thing this side of the Atlantic that will have a fundamental impact on millions of lives, and has the potential to completely change the direction for Nigeria. EMPOWER NIGERIA has come to stay and I outlined the guide for the entire year last week. We started well on the 11th of December 2013, and we have BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS goals which we aim to deliver on.

The Clear Path to Entrepreneurship

We are very proud of this step by step process we have developed to provide the Nigerian young people with a path to success and happiness through entrepreneurship. I will break it down very carefully and I have reproduced it here for all the young people we are mentoring with this column.

Step One: Visit the Empower Nigeria Center at Oshodi or visit the virtual show room at the web site . This process allows our young people to have deep reflection on what they really want to do with their life. Our team of Entrepreneur Advisors will guide you either online or in a face to face meeting, on choosing your passion. It is very important you choose an industry or a business opportunity that you are passionate about, because that is how you will succeed. People will work hard and long on a matter or an opportunity if they have passion for it. So if you have not thought about what your passion is then this would be a great time to do that.

Step Two: Register to join to the EMPOWER NIGERIA network. You can do this by registering online at The registration is not only aimed at putting you on the CLEAR PATH TO ENTREPRENEURHIP, but it also gives to access to a lot of other goodies that have been lined up for you by the Empower Nigeria team. These include membership of the Empower Nigeria Telecommunications platform which allows every registered Entrepreneur to speak to each other for FREE. That’s right it is FREE to talk within the EMPOWER NIGERIA imitative so membership has its privileges. In addition to the Network, members have a good number of discounts that have been lined up for entrepreneurs which will not be available anywhere else.

Step Three: Determine if you need financial support. We are lining up support for our Entrepreneurs which will mean that once you are a member of EMPOWER NIGERIA, you are sure to end up as an Entrepreneur, and not having money will not stop you. We are even pushing the envelope by setting up an EMPOWER NIGERIA FUND which will have several contributors from all over the Country and all over the world, all in an effort to ensure that there will always be funds to finance our Entrepreneurs.  Once again our Entrepreneur Advisors will work closely with you to make sure that you have done all it takes to get prepared for Entrepreneurship and that our financing partners are comfortable with the risk you represent.

Step Four: make your order. You are now ready to fill out an order form which will mean that you are about to transform yourself from a professional or an unemployed young person into an entrepreneur. If you are already an entrepreneur and you wish to expand your business by working with EMPOWER NIGERIA, you are also very welcome. If you are using financial assistance from one of our partners then you will be required to make a 20% commitment investment. If you are paying for your machines or tools with support from your own family or friends, then you will be required to make 50% investment and the balance will be paid on the arrival of your machines.

Step Five: Get enrolled in the Entrepreneurship and Leadership Certification program. In order for you to be a successful Entrepreneur and make millions and maybe billions of naira or even dollars, you have to receive the training, exposure and capacity building required to get you there. Leadership is required for all successful people, and Entrepreneurship must be understood from a 360 degree basis before you can conquer the World. All our Entrepreneurs will reduce their chances or failure and dramatically increase their chances of long term success once they have been certified by our experts.

Step Six: Receive your Machines or Business tools and get to work. The business opportunities we are working with you on are economically guaranteed to receive the demand of the Nigerian consumers. Our machines are tailored along the lines of business opportunities that our economics have pre-determined are either in high demand and have a present low supply or are imported products for which we will be substituting the imported products with the one manufactured by our EMPOWER NIGERIA ENTREPRENEURS.

Get on the CLEAR PATH TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP today and change your life forever.

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